I forgot my homework at home
I forgot my homework at home

If you don't have homework, use the time to study your notes and textbooks so that you can stay on top of the class! Here are some things you can do if you did forget your work. If you have homework, do it during that time. Have a set time every day to do your school work.Write down all of your assignments so that everyone knows when your projects and tests will be. Keep an assignment calendar at home in a place where you and your parents can both see it easily.Keep this with you at all times! This way, you won't lose any of your homework pages. Have one assignment notebook where you write down all of your homework, test dates, and other assignments.

i forgot my homework at home i forgot my homework at home

Here are some things you can do to keep from forgetting homework. Also, people "forget" things they don't really want to do - sometimes it's just your brain trying not to think of unpleasant things, but sometimes it's on purpose. Forgetting Homework - note this is NOT the question where you write funny excuses - see related question below for that!Everyone forgets things now and then - don't stress too much if you forgot it once.

I forgot my homework at home